The Hayden Island Neighborhood Network represents ALL neighborhoods on the island. If you have island-wide concerns, this is the place to be. Please attend.



HINooN Zoom Meeting, Jan 12, 2023 07:00 PM

January Meeting Agenda:


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Meeting ID: 836 1910 6581
Passcode: 952532

February Meeting Agenda:

March Meeting Agenda:


April Meeting Agenda:


May Meeting Agenda:


June Meeting Agenda:


July Meeting Agenda:

The July HINooN Board meeting on Thursday evening, July the 12th, 2023, will be in-person from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Columbia Point West Clubhouse. See you there. Agenda is attached below:



At the August 10th neighborhood association meeting, the I-5 Interstate Bridge Replacement Project representatives will be giving an update. Everyone is invited! Be sure to attend. It will be at Oxford Suites, 1226 N. Jantzen Drive, in the Town House Room, from 7pm-9pm.

Here are the slides the Interstate Bridge Replacement showed at the Hi Noon meeting in August at the Oxford Suites.

Here are the slides the Interstate Bridge Replacement showed at the Hi Noon meeting in August at the Oxford Suites.


  • September, 2023 HINooN General Board Membership Meeting
    Thursday, September 14, 2023, 7 – 8:30 pm



There are 94 City-recognized neighborhood associations within Portland. Neighborhood associations are a good way for neighbors to organize and address issues, while creating a sense of community and belonging. ​Each volunteer-based association serves as a liaison between residents of the neighborhood and city government.

https://www.myhaydenisland.com (this site)

There are 14 Neighborhood Associations in the North Portland district where we are located.

Civic Life supports the neighborhood associations within each district in one of two ways; grant funding to an independently managed District Coalition Office (DCO) or direct support through Civic Life. A public directory of neighborhoods can be found on the City’s website.


North Portland Neighborhood Services (NPNS) is one of three district coalition offices run by the City of Portland’s Office of Community & Civic Life. Our closest neighborhood associations are Bridgeton and Kenton.

HINoon ​supports and promotes civic engagement. The Hayden Island Neighborhood Association works all citizens and city government to build a more inclusive, safe and livable neighborhood.

Here’s a link to HiNoon’s bylaws (pdf).


Hi Noon’s position on the Interstate Bridge Replacement

Like many organizations, Hi-Noon’s board had different opinions about which bridge design would be in the best interest of Hayden Island and its residents. Some board members felt that an immersed tunnel instead of a high bridge should be pursued. Others believe that the “no lift” approach required a very high freeway with complicated and steep access ramps, taking as much as 75% of the funding, with a new lift or bascule bridge the best approach. Still others believed a 3rd bridge, perhaps east of the I-205, would be preferable.

Hi-Noon chairperson Martin Slapikas favored the 3rd bridge approach and believed that there were ethics irregularities on the part of the IBR decision making. He wrote a letter to the Oregon State Ethics Committee outlining his concerns. The Ethics commission, however, replied that the listed concerns did not qualify for an inquiry.

Letter to the Ethics Commission from Martin Slapikas.

Letter to Martin Slapikas from the Ethics Committee.