Artist Shelbie Loomis initiated a project on the island called Park Arts. It encourages people to express themselves in all manner of creative expression. In the short time Shelbie has been living on the island she instituted a craft program utilizing paper mache to create sculptures around balloons, a wandering singers program that has been practicing Holiday Carols for island residents.


Her “The Art We Value,” project asked neighbors to share a piece of themselves by selecting an item from their house to talk about. The conversations and their portraits were included in an “Art We Value” publication, in June 2022.

Shelbie Loomis, who has worked in crypto-currency positions at US Bank, recently receive a Masters of Fine Arts in Contemporary Arts and Portland State. She is currently involved in the Odyssey of the Historic Jantzen Beach Carousel.

Shelbie Loomis always has exciting ideas to share. Park Arts promises to be a very dynamic enterprise!